About Me

I am a reluctant homeschooling mom turned homeschooling advocate. I never wanted to homeschool. I looked forward to the day that my children were off to school and I could finally get some rest! But, after a couple of years at the school, I knew that it wasn’t the place for my children. Lots of wasted time coupled with lack luster learning and a dyslexic child brought us all back home.

We are better for it. There are days that I wish they were in school and it would be so much easier, but the other days in which the light goes on in their mind and I see them bond….I know we made the right choice. I hope you will make that choice too. It’s a rough road (let me tell you!) but it smooths out nicely and you can really enjoy the ride.

I started this site in hopes that I can encourage you to join me on that smooth, yet rough at times, wonderful road of homeschooling.